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Top 5 Supportive Spaces For LGBTQ+ Teens

As three LGBTQ+ teens that grew up in a semi-rural area, we have had very few resources to help us through the process of discovering and exploring our identity. We hope to show you the places we've found through the years.

1. Pink Mountains.

Pink Mountains is a group that helps support LGBTQ+ youth in the Blue Mountains with an online forum and a monthly youth group in two locations. There is an overall positive attitude and we've all heavily benefited from their organization and the various LGBTQ+ events that they hold. If you don't live near the Blue Mountains, you can still access their website ( and we highly suggest looking for (or perhaps even creating your own) LGBTQ+ Youth Group or GSA at your school.

2. PFLAG (Parent and friends of lesbians and gays)

PFLAG is a non-for-profit organization with the intention of educating allies on LGBTQ+ issues with the intention of keeping LGBTQ+ family members safe and keeping families together. It's a group that we highly recommend LGBTQ+ youth who are newly out of the closet refer to their friends and family members. You can find PFLAG at their website (

3. The Gender Centre

The Gender Centre is an organization that seeks to improve the lives of people who are transgender and gender non conforming. They hold many activities and events to execute this intention. The Gender Centre also has a library's worth of resources on gender identity made accessible on their website (


Although not specific to LGBTQ+ teens, MYST (Mountains Youth Services Team) are very accepting and enthusiastic about LGBTQ+ youth and has partnered with Pink Mountains to create a youth group. If you are an LGBTQ+ teen in the mountains area (the target demographic for this project) the MYST youth groups will likely help you build a support network of fellow LGBTQ+ teens and allies. You can find out more by visiting their website (


The Asexual Visibility and Education Network are a group that work similarly to an Asexual version of Facebook. It is an online forum that is very friendly to asexuals, those recovering from sexual violence, and people who are transgender that have genital repulsions. Although it is targeted at this typically under-represented demographic, it is a civil and positive online forum that is incredibly friendly to all LGBTQ+ teens. It is moderated so that potential triggers for those recovering from violence or those who are dealing with gender dysphoria feel safe and comfortable. You can find their website at this link (

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