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Top 7 Weirdest Homophobes on My Facebook



This isn't like our other blog posts, this isn't going to be informative, educational, or even a littleness bit clever. This is instead a short highlight reel of the worst posts from the no campaign to appear on my timeline and my incredibly petty insult in reply. This won't be very productive but hopefully it'll show you just how genuinely ridiculous these people can be and also let you know just how much I, (as an LGBTQ+ teen) see this nonsense.

1. In the first post, we can see the no voters furious that they are being "bombarded" with yes "propaganda". Many similar posts have been made on their page where they claim that's the yes camp is being too forceful with their opinions

No voters complaining about "vote yes" being displayed on a bus

These people, when you realise that they are getting so offended with a "Vote Yes" on a bus, LITERALLY WROTE "VOTE NO" IN THE SKY! You can avoid buses, it's a little bit harder to avoid our very atmosphere.

2. First of all, they were never going to send you an invite hun.

No one invited you, John

Secondly, I don't want to be hearing about the sanctity of marriage and "fake" weddings from a guy with two monkeys getting married as his profile picture.

3. This is not too weird, it's pretty typical at this point, another contradiction


This pages main point (seen through many of their posts) is that gay adoption is "child abuse" but their spokespeople claim the reverse to seem more moderate for the undecided voters. "Karina" was on Q&A and had this to say about gay adoption which quite nicely contrasts her campaign's message

Some other dude put in his two cents which I think are worth acknowledging, (don't laugh he was trying okay)

4. This isn't particularly weird but I laughed when I saw it.


Yes... Us gays are going to sneak into your homes and steal the marriage from your... children???.... and only the power of Jesus can stop us MUHAHAHAHA...

5. Where do I even begin... I'm not afraid of men first off, I just don't want to sleep with them. Are you, Mr Facebook, man afraid of men? I haven't seen you sleep with any. Dude you have a psychological disorder! I guess neither of us can get married then (which is a rule I've never heard of).

Also I had no idea that we were voting on whether straight people should have to bow to us, I thought this was about equal rights but never mind then.

I'm sure everyone reading this is clever enough to understand that this entire post is nonsense but I have nothing much to say that is short and even remotely resembles witty, if you want an essay about how he is factually incorrect in every imaginable way, direct message our Instagram page.

6. They've obviously never been to a gay wedding...

7. This confuses me on oh so many levels...

8. And for the final post on this list I sadly have no pictures so please enjoy a symbolic gif of an air dancer instead.

At firsts he comments on a post supporting marriage equality with something to the affect of "I support what you're doing but I'm afraid that priests will be forced to carry out gay marriages" this is of course untrue so that's how myself and several friends replied to him (we were all tagged in this post so we got the notification when Mr Facebook Man posted this comment). When he came back to reply he embodied the air dancer and flip flopped until he started spouting blatant homophobia (e.g. using a study saying that there is no singular "Gay Gene" as evidence that being gay was a choice, saying that being gay means you will get AIDS, saying that he is disgusted by the "lifestyle"). This prompted me to say two things:

1. Do you consider yourself homophobic?

He said: no

2. If being gay is a choice, prove it, choose to be gay.

He was sadly not willing to sacrifice himself to forever prove his point and validate his cause.

But what I've noticed as a recurring theme through looking at these posts is that the "No" Camp have a bizarre victim complex. The closest thing they feel to oppression is being called what they are, homophobic, opposed to civil rights. Just remember everyone, don't engage these people if you are not in a good mental state or if their opinion will clearly not be changed. I hope this gave you a laugh or an expression of bewilderment!

Stay strong and Have Pride!!!

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