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Your Guide to Transitioning

Look at you! You did it. You figured out your gender identity, well mostly. I'm so proud! Now, you're probably asking what to do next. Where to go, who to see... Well, you came to the right place.

Step 1- BREATHE.

It’s going to be okay. I know gender is weird but you've made the first step by acknowledging your true self.

Step 2- Figure out your goals, big and small.

A small one may be to change your hair, or pick a new pronoun whereas a big one might be coming out, or going on hormones. When you know your goals, you can make a plan. My first goal was to cut my hair, and get a binder.


Blogs, facebook or instagram pages, youtube videos, podcasts (most of which we have and you can follow). They will all help you see other people's journeys and figure out how to proceed with your’s. If any of the people are local, listen for tips on where to find support or if you're in the Blue Mountains check out our blog post “Top 5 Supportive Spaces for LGBTQ+ Youth” to get some tips.

Step 4- Reach out.

Now that you’ve made your goals and done your homework, it's time to talk to people. If coming out will put you at risk, don’t. Your safety is the most important thing. If you can come out, or can safely do so, look for a LGBT+ or trans only support group where you can make connections and gain heaps of info. Talk to your doctor or therapist about finding a gender therapist or a referral to an endocrinologist if hormones are a goal. Online communities are amazing, just be sure to double check you don't accidently out yourself. Some safe online spaces can be found in our “Top 4 LGBTQ online resources” and in other blog posts.

Step 5- if safe to do so, this is when it's good to slowly begin to present as yourself, using name, pronouns, clothing, hair etc.

I was always very masculine so this was simple for me. If it poses a challenge, have an open minded friend take you shopping or to get your makeup done.

Now for some passing/survival tips

Trans men/masc leaning people

Don't bind with anything aside from a binder

Baggy clothes are your best friends

Boxers are super comfy

You can DIY a packer with socks

Tran women/feminine leaning people

Use a bit of lipstick under foundation to cover beard shadow (the redness will balance out the shadows)

Get your eyebrows done, you can do it professionally or binge online tutorials

You can order cheap breast forms online or buy cheap bra inserts at your local department store

Laser works very well on excess body hair and is a longer term solution than shaving or waxing

Non binary people

Confuse the eye, e.g. binding and packing, with a full face of makeup

Non binary looks like however want it. It can be masculine, feminine, in the middle, off the wall anything. You don't have to be completely neutral if that's not you.

There are many many pronoun choices out there, figure out which one fits.

Lastly, don't be ashamed. If your trans, cool. If you are a gay, genderfluid trans guy, that's also cool. Embrace your identity, and your labels, or lack of. Don't let anyone tell you how to transition or how to be you. It is perfectly fine to be a trans woman and still be masculine and wear men's clothes or be a trans man and be feminine and wear makeup, you do you.

Stay strong and have pride!!!

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